model dump truck bought at rite aid
Three part cards are used in Montessori classrooms after the child has had sufficient familiarity matching pictures and patterns - also known as 'graphic matching'. Graphic matching is one of the first pre-reading activities that young children can do. By matching pictures that are exactly alike they are using visual cues and one-to-one matching skills important to reading. The primary aim with this work is the development of visual discrimination. Three part cards on the other hand are the next level up and incorporate all of the above plus the vocabulary associated with the picture.
Three part cards lesson:
- three part card tray or container to hold 3 part cards
- model of object if the subject is learning the "Parts of..."
- three part cards
- rug or mat
Direct Purpose: - development of visual discrimination
- preparation for vocabulary
Indirect Purpose:
- development of left to right tracking needed reading
3 part card KEY |
Presentation: Gauge the interest and readiness of the child. Show the child where the material is located on the shelf. Carry the job to a mat or rug. Remove the model dump truck and all the cards from the container and place the container in the upper left hand corner. Place your three sets of cards in their own piles to the left of you on the rug/mat. Place the model dump truck in front of you. Place the control cards (set 1: picture + label) in a horizontal row at the top of the rug/mat. Say the names of the parts of the dump truck and point them out as you lay down each card. Next match the second set of cards (set 2: picture no label) to the top control set (set 1). Do this slowly from left to right allowing the child to discriminate. Allow the child to match one card at a time as you have shown them with the first few. Next match the labels (set 3: label only). Do this slowly as the child has more abstract things to discriminate. Use your finger to point out the first letter in the control set (set 1: picture + label) and compare it to the label (set 3: label only), do this for every letter on the label until you find the matching control card.
Points of interest:
- variety of cards (should be changed often)
- classification of cards
- learning new words
Control of error:
- control cards (set 1)
Isolation of difficulty: classifying by a common factor or characteristic
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